Land held by |
Named Boundaries |
Alice Hogan: OKYS MED. & other unamed meadows FRETHE MED. AL PAYORESSE MED |
N. LONG MEDEWE WEYE. S. Way from Fram. to P'ham BREGGE. E. Way MEATOR to Fram. W. River. S. TRYPETTS MEDEWE. E. & W. TRYPETTS. W. River. N. NEWTON tenement. E. Way MATTOK. S. PYLOTTS tenement. E. AYSSH ACRE WEYE. W. Path Fram - P'ham BREGGE S. TUTTING'S Pasture & Garden |
John Wulnard WULNARD HAME. |
John Wilward & Katrina his wife. NORTHLAND 5 a. 2 pces, NORTHLAND GRENE, 10 a: 1st Piece next land of MILL in P'ham. 2nd Piece. 1 Piece, 2 a. AILLEWEN in GRESHAUGH 3 tenements, 7 acres. DRAWKESLOND. 1 med. & 3 closes adjacent. Piece in TRYPETTS. Piece in field called SCHRUBBES. 2 a. 2 pieces in MELLE FELDE. |
W. King's Way from VISDELEWE to P'ham BREGGE S. NORTHLAND GRENE W. Pasture. N. Middleway called GRESE HAUGH WEYE. N. Land called FARNHAM PETT. W. Waye MEATTOR S. 2 Closes. E. Way from VISDELEWES CROS to LE NEWE PARK. N. Next in GRESHAUGH to land called FARNHAM PETTS. E. NORTHLAND GRENE. E Way MEATOR to Fram. W. Pastures. S. Way from NORTH LAND GRENE to church. |
Margareta Cady LE HOLM, 1 Piece 1 Piece, 2 a. 9 messuages, 1 croft, & 3 closes, & medow adjacent to 9 a 1 Piece MOL'NO (Mill) called LE VESHEIGHFELD 16 a |
E. LE HOLM. N. Pasture curr. of Fram' - P'ham BREGGE. S. King's Way from Fram - P'ham BREGGE. W & S. CONAM. W. Way to P'ham NORTHLAND N & S. Closes E. Closes. W. Close & LE BROOK called LOUDENARS BROOK, N. BEESCROFT close, MABILIRE close. S. LOUNDENAYS. |
John Ramesholt: 3 a tenement AILLEWEN. 3 a pasture POTELOTES CROFT 8 a 6 a Land |
John Brook 2 a |
E. HAUGHE WODE, W. Pightell of HAUGHWODE N. Close S. Land of Manor of Parham. |
Godfriuis Sawyer & Margia his wife: 2 pieces against NORTHLAND, called STARKE WEDER HYLL 2 pieces, 9 acres. |
W. King's Way P'ham BREGGE to NORTHLAND GRENE. E. Way from NORTHLAND to P'ham HALLE W,N,S. Closes. |
John Colvyle 1 close called OATISHAUGH. 15 a 10 a. next to OATISHAUGH 2 a next to THORNHAM PETTS. |
N. Way from NORTHLAND GRENE to Cransford. S. Land of Manor of VISDELEWES. |
Robert Clerk of Glemham (i.e. Vicar) 20a land in Glemham Magna called ERLESCROFT |
Jahn Alges 9 a by mill called POTELOTTES CROFT |
Robert Godewyn. 1 Close, 3 a 1 Pightell & 1 close of pasture 3 Pieces, land of MILL. |
E. Con. Cam. of P'ham COLSTON HALL to LETHERYNGHAM Hall. W. Close. N. VENELLAM of P'ham to Fram. Castle. (Lanes) W. VENELL & land of Manor of P'ham. N. Closes. S. 1 FOSSAT & the same VENELL. (Ditch) (Lanes) W. Close S. Close AYLLEWEN. |
William Medewe & Margery his wife 8 Messuages & 1 croft, & 1 close. Close 6 Closes. 1 rood. 1 acre 3 rods 2 a. 2 a. TURPETTS. |
E. Messuage & croft. W. Pasture N. OAKENALE GRENE. S. Close. W. LE BROOK of Manor of Marlesford. above the BROOK LAND, & LE BROOK with 8 a. E. Part of BROOK. E. LE BROOK. W. Close called OLDEHAWYS. E. Way MEATOR to Fram, pastures of Fram. W. Way from Fram to P'ham BREGGE. |
The above is a typed transcript of a hand-written (presumably digested) transcript that was found among the belongings of the late Monica Briscoe. The transcript is the original, not a photocopy, but the handwriting is not Monica's; it is very likely to be the late Gwen Dyke's. It was accompanied by a transcript of a 1487 Rental of Bloomvylle Hall Manor Lands, Parham.
I have transcribed the hand-written transcript into type as faithfully
as possible, including the line breaks, punctuation and how the rows in the columns line-up. However, it is
not known how faithful to the original the handwritten transcript was. Presumably the text in parentheses was not
from the original, but rather Gwen Dyke's annotation. There were also a few pencil annotations by Monica,
which I have not transcribed, but I intend to include them in a separate
interpretation of this document.
There was also at least one marginal note in the Parham part of this
Extent, that Gwen Dyke had not transcribed. Because elsewhere she
suggested that a marginal note in the Parham section of the Extent could
form a motto for Queen Mary's Covert:
Using this Extent and other material, Gwen Dyke sketched a map of Parham and its surroundings in 1433/1550. In 1999 I redrew this sketch over a scaled map of the area and added some of my own interpretation."It is waste to cutt down tymber upon the lande copiehold, and to build upon freehold, or for gaine other lande; that is to cutt down smalle trees called maples and likewise thornes."
This rare document, in a very dishevelled state, and presenting many problems of calligraphy, paleography and diplomatic to the unskilled, came into the editors' hands after the main outline work on Hacheston was complete. It added enormously to the available information and to the already complex problems of the topography, and complete transcription and elucidation would have taken more time than was available. To the missing Domesday settlement of CLACHESTHORP, BRUMFELLA and POSSEFIELD, which may be in the Hacheston area, it added the minor 'manors' of GUYDON, which appears to be BRIDGE FARM (168); BOTTELE (see above and 269); ASH BIGOTTS (on the Marlesford boundary); HAUGH (? the high ground of Ash and Hacheston); NORTHLAND (Parham North Green); KETILBE (? Kettleburgh - whose boundaries were possibly extended further in 1433?) and FRAMLINGHAM, which also seems to have extended eastwards.
The Extent covered an area from Framlingham - Kettleburgh through parts of Cransford, Parham, Great Glemham and Marlesford to the Blaxall/Tunstall boundary; took in the whole of Campsey Ashe except for the High House Estate, the western part of Rendlesham and a little of Eyke, and was bounded by the course of the Deben from the Glevering boundary to Loudham Mill. It appears to have been a section of the Howard Lands which had been put under the control of an official, possibly the Steward, but as several pages are missing and/or damaged this information does not appear to be available. It would certainly repay detailed study and this may well show many of the above conclusions to be premature or inaccurate.
What does strike us forcibly is:
- The vast predominance of arable land, rarely hedged, over this wide expanse of open, rather arid, heathy land.
- The obvious centralisation of all routes on the WICKLOWE GALLOWES (FIVE CROSS WAYS) site, emphasizing its continued importance after a thousand years of human use.
- The continuity of very small pieces of land through family inheritance as identifiable units over the next five centuries (many of these have been noted in the text, e.g. NOTE B, and 15 - 17)
- The almost total lack of woodland in the fifteenth century landscape.
- The commemoration of long forgotten families through the field names of their former holdings, e.g. Upper SEMMONDS - see 336/367.
Gwen Dyke cites this 1433 Extent as "held privately". Back in 1999 I
tried to trace the holder of this Extent. I traced an individual living
in Hacheston who knew the holder's identity, but had been asked not to
reveal it. Since, I have not been able to get any closer to the source.
So finding a transcript of the part covering Parham in my late mother's files was rather a satisfying surprise.